
Enhancement of productivity and profitability of cotton farmers leveraging Artificial Intelligence and robotics

Create employment opportunities in villages while ensuring Food and Nutrition security

Extend solution developed to other crops in semiarid tropic 

Achieve 40% market share of agriculture robot business across globe


Understand cotton crop cultivation phases and possible use of robotics, challenges of cotton farmers like weed, crop diseases, pests , insects and availability of skilled labors 

Build relationship with grassroot beneficiaries and other stake holders in field

Build AI ML platform and advanced Robotics platform which can be customized to build solutions for multiple crops like Cotton, Rice, Sugarcane Chili , Fruits and Vegetables

Build Integrated Agriculture Robotâ„¢ which will automate cotton crop cultivation activities like seed sowing, weed detection and removal, crop monitoring and cotton picking leveraging Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and robotics